25 Nisan 2010 Pazar



        Foreign Minister works depending on government. It is responsible for external relations.It provides to conduct of relatioship with other countries and international organizations.Countries must have an effective foreign policy to have an important place in international relations.Also,they should be active side in their dialogue with other countries. They should be needed side to help countries in crisis,too. To ensure all these aims,their foreign policy is needed to determine the best way and must be effectively implemented. The Foreign Minister and its employees will prepare the basis of foreign policy. Minister of foreign affairs must protect and develop interests of nationals living in other countries against foreign states and international organizations. Also,cooperating with foreign states and their representatives and make the negotiations and contacts the relations are in tasks of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.At the same time they are duty of Foreign Minister. Foreign policies of other states must adopt their own country's foreign policy.

         The importance given to external relations incerased throuhg the Second World War.For instance,during the II.World War, Turkey requested be included in the war. If it had been entered into the war, this would be a disaster. Despite all the pressures,this destruction had prevented with an active diplomacy. The country's interests were protected in a best way.

      Foreign Minister is one of the representitive of the country in international arena. Therefore,it can increase or decrease the prestige of the country.Thus,it has to have same qualification. Foreign ministers must have the highest academic information. Human relations must be high.And it has to be patient.It must know several languaes to ensure communication with the states easily. Qualified, knowledgeable, cultured minister is very important.

        Diplomats are conducting foreign relations with foreign governments. But they haven’t the same rank and responsibility.There are hierarchy between them.Diplomatic hierarchy is;
-first secretary
-second secretary
-third secretary
-assistant attache

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