25 Nisan 2010 Pazar



       Neoliberalism, a kind of classical political economy is an updated. As Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman economists and Robert Nozick philosophers have been effective in the development of this idea. Aim is to limit state.Neoliberalists work to improve the efficiency of capitalism and bring growth and common prosperity. They are in favor of free trade.They are against state enterprises. They are in favor of private property.They give more importance to the individuals. In short, the private good, public bad. For them is no such thing as society. There are only individuals and families.Therefore,they associate with a strict individualism.

       International Monetary Fund (IMF) support to the foundations of this movement. After the Second World War,the world away from Keynesian economics has dominated the world.To defend o liberalization of capital and has great impact on world economies, it been called neo-liberal currents.

      Neoliberalism is different from classical liberalism.It completely ignores the state.It assume that, updated every movement is more moderate than old version.But neoliberalism is extreme capitalists. Therefore,it is a right-wing movements.



        Foreign Minister works depending on government. It is responsible for external relations.It provides to conduct of relatioship with other countries and international organizations.Countries must have an effective foreign policy to have an important place in international relations.Also,they should be active side in their dialogue with other countries. They should be needed side to help countries in crisis,too. To ensure all these aims,their foreign policy is needed to determine the best way and must be effectively implemented. The Foreign Minister and its employees will prepare the basis of foreign policy. Minister of foreign affairs must protect and develop interests of nationals living in other countries against foreign states and international organizations. Also,cooperating with foreign states and their representatives and make the negotiations and contacts the relations are in tasks of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.At the same time they are duty of Foreign Minister. Foreign policies of other states must adopt their own country's foreign policy.

         The importance given to external relations incerased throuhg the Second World War.For instance,during the II.World War, Turkey requested be included in the war. If it had been entered into the war, this would be a disaster. Despite all the pressures,this destruction had prevented with an active diplomacy. The country's interests were protected in a best way.

      Foreign Minister is one of the representitive of the country in international arena. Therefore,it can increase or decrease the prestige of the country.Thus,it has to have same qualification. Foreign ministers must have the highest academic information. Human relations must be high.And it has to be patient.It must know several languaes to ensure communication with the states easily. Qualified, knowledgeable, cultured minister is very important.

        Diplomats are conducting foreign relations with foreign governments. But they haven’t the same rank and responsibility.There are hierarchy between them.Diplomatic hierarchy is;
-first secretary
-second secretary
-third secretary
-assistant attache


           HARD POWER and SOFT POWER
     Power uses in many fields.The political value of this concept is important for us.If we know that what’s the meaning of the power in political way, it will be more easier to understand intergovernmental relations. Power is the strength which influence the behavior of others.In international relations,power is access to military and economic resources, the size in the interstate system as activity. Power is relational concept.There are two types of power in international relations:Hard power and soft power .
    Hard power is a term used in international relations. Hard power is a theory that describes using military and economic.We can coerce other states to do something use of threats or rewards.Hard power is opposite of soft power.

   Soft power is cultural and diplomatic influence.It doesn’t contain economic and political operational interventions.Therefore it differs from hard power.In soft power,there is the consent of the affected side unlike hard power. We face it as cultural.We can think it as assimilation policies on the other states. Development assistance organizations have an important role on development of soft power which developed countries have.

    As a result,soft power is more effective than hard power. When you use receive a violence and coercion,someone can react you.But when you use soft power,no one can’t understand that what is going on.They can’t blame you. You can get what you want without using violence.You don’t need the forces to conquer.That is enough to use your culture and diplomacy in everywhere effectively.To sumup,the smart move is soft power.

14 Nisan 2010 Çarşamba



             Alliance is combining of two or more states in agreement. They united to fight against the common enemy. But not only against the enemy,different alliance can be established. There are military, political,economic,ideological alliances.It is assume that state which made military or political alliances with other state, can not reach the national goal on its own. State in the equivalent power can make union power. Such behavior can be found in almost every age. Common economic interests between the states can create commercial alliances.For example,COMECON,OPEC.

         Political alliances enhance deterrence. But economic alliances are long-term than political alliances. The most important are those of the military alliance. These may be unilateral or bilateral. The most famous examples are NATO and Warsaw Pact. Their content of important is that attack to one of ally,it was deemed to have been made to all allies. After The Second World War, modern weapons were developed. It has been effected establishing alliances.Nuclear armaments between USA and USSR caused that all Europe was forced to make alliances with the United States.

       Causes of the conflict between alliance members are lack of common interests, political,social, cultural differences.As relation between the USA and the USSR,during The Second World War.
      Away from economic interests, ideological alliances can not be prolonged. Equality in the alliance should not be look for. Different states are different interests. Distribution of power within the alliance, will be provided by the great powers.



                The concept of imperialism is used for the first time in nineteenth century in England.It had a different meaning from today. Some British statesmen and parties prepareda program to prevent the spread of colonial and to collect them in a federation.It’ name was imperial federation.They followed imperialist policies to come true this program. After the process expansion of the British was completed, this program,entered into force. Because the period of stagnation had begun.There the use of imperialism was so different than today.It was not not spread and growth.It was program to protect the status quo. Then it took the current meaning.
                The relationship between imperialism and capitalism have been interpreted in different ways.For example,according to Lenin,imperialism was the inevitable result of capitalism. Soviet declared states which participate second world war that they were in an imperialst war. Also in 1941, the Soviets entered the war.They also explained why they entered the war. To fight against imperialism.

              Lenin and Stalin had different ideas about imperialism.Only point in common of them was that modern wars were a result of capitalist imperialism. They were right on one side.Because, capitalists provide great benefits in the war.Whn we look back in history,cause of imperialism is not only due to the economic benefits.Before the capitalism ,there were aims of the spread. imperialist political,social, psychological,military factors can affect the imperialist behaviours.
           Today, capitalism has a great effect on the imperialist movement.As long as,unequal distribution of power among states,imperialism also will continue to exist between the states.


                                    COLD WAR

             Second World War had caused great destruction as economic and political,particularly in Europe.While Europe has problems with economic,two imperyalist country,USA and USSR got strong. These two countries divided the world into two.While USSR trying spread socialism to all over the world,capitalist countries as USA aimed to protect capitalism against USSR’ plan.Many countries took place in these blocs. The name of the cold war era is the emergence of tensions between two poles. In this period the parties were not armed attacks on each other. Removing the threat of war,USA and USSR nuclear arms race and mutual attritions between them caused of tensions.

             The concept of power was important during the Cold War. Diplomacy lost its productivity between states, largely.Both sides were trying to prove to be stronger than the other. It was like the race who will be more armed. They were focused on nuclear armament there was concern for the world.Because,there were fears to repeat a similar incidents when Hiroshima had become. Small capitalist countries made threaties with USA to guarantee themselves.They established NATO in 1949.It had twenty-eight members,USA was the leader.It is stil active.Socialist countries created Warsaw Pact against to NATO in 1955.It disestablished on 1 July 1991. Worrying about the war lasted 20 years ffrom 1945 until 1991.

               The Cold War, the result of a war which has experienced the devastation and suffering. It is a period for twenty years,fear of nuclear war will be.It was the destruction of USA and USSR’ arms race. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the collopse of the USSR,the era was over.