Marxism is a kind of materialist worldview which has political,philosophical , economic and sociological sides. It is based on the theory of class struggle.These classes are proletariat and bourgeoisie.Production tools are in the hands of the bourgeoisie.They have property rights.But proletariat have not.It is cause of the struggle.Consequently,class consciousness was formed in proletariat.They must be winner in this struggle.Then,we will come world of communism that where we will find social equality and freedom.
Marxism is based on opinions of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.They supported and interacted with own opinions each other.They took care working class than their private life and their life.They began writing The Communist Manifesto and based The Principles of Communism was written by Engels.Engels was a leader of Revolution of 1848. This revolution will have been the biggest inspiration of communist movements.Moreover,he harmonized the communist theory and family.In the other word,man tries to put pressure on woman as bourgeoisie had done to working class.Therefore he is accepted one of the founders of femisim,too.His companion Karl Marx founded theoretical communism.He said state is dictatorship of the working class instead of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.He has “Historical Stages Theory” .They are Primitive communism, slave society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism. In this theory Marx considered socio-economic conflicts development in Western Europe.
In Marxsist ideology,state can not be understood distinct from economic structure of society.Thus, classes arise.State live that classes must be in struggle.
NEO-MARXISM:They are loyal to some marxist principles.But they try reorder to classical ideals of Marx.Also they refuse predence of the economy and privileged status of working class. Many prominent neo-Marxists were sociologists and psychologists such as Herbert Marcuse. Social class in Neo-Marxism made according to Weberian Stratification.They are class,satatus and party.
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