21 Mart 2010 Pazar


            ‘The complex interdependence’ theory was developed by Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye.It is interdependence or transnational connections between states in a economical way.This relations have increased since II. World War.After the war,states were decreased military forces. Economic relations has come to the fore.

        Globalization makes the same all over the world. So,nowadays,states can not be alone in world system.If they want it,the others will not allow them.They need their economic resourses. When they do collaboration ,they will combine as political and military. The balance of power between states will be provided. When cooperation countries take a decision,they consult each other. Frictions and conflicts reduce.The balance of economic cooperation will create an atmosphere of peace.It is a theory that states and communities have regular and healthy relationship between each other.

           The complex interdependence theory based on economy,not military or political. But economic relations will make cooperation on these issues.Economic interdependence is not necessary. They can survive within the system are forced.At the end this communation don’t make colonize.It effects to international relations in a good way.It is a theory which provide s peace.


                      BALANCE OF POWER THEORY

           Balance of power theory is an equality between states.It is a political behaviour and fundamental principle of diplomacy.It ensure to equal benefits about many issues and in different situations. For instance,to find allies before the war or make agreements to avoid war.Political, economic or military balance is tried to be ensured. Powerful states can establish a coalition with each other against a coalition of powerful states. Weaker states joining a stronger power or coalition with in balance of power politics (band wagoning).
          Balance of power theory traces back to post-medieval Europe among the Italian city states in the 15th century.Florence and Milan made alliance against to Venice.They had been trying to avoid the dominance of Venice.This alliance was not to destroy to Venice.It was just to show that both side have an equal power.Thus,origin of the balance of power theory was born. Peace of Westphalia, gave way to the doctrine of the balance of power. It was mentioned after the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713.The other point of theory see durind the war.The importance given to the balance of power has increased because of expanding size and area of war.We will have seen it in I.World War.The world divided into two, The Triple Entente and The Central Powers.They were side of the balance of power.They were balanced in political,economic and military way.So the war couldn’t be finished a long time.

        Balance can be established for many reasons;to establish hegemony over other states.To protect their own safety. To create an atmosphere of peace.That is the important thing why you will do.Nowadays,to establish hegemony over other states in a democratic way. Ostensibly,all states have equal world in international relations.But there is always dominant one. Equality is not concerned between the states.

17 Mart 2010 Çarşamba


                     MARXISM AND NEO-MARXISM
              Marxism is a kind of materialist worldview which has political,philosophical , economic and sociological sides. It is based on the theory of class struggle.These classes are proletariat and bourgeoisie.Production tools are in the hands of the bourgeoisie.They have property rights.But proletariat have not.It is cause of the struggle.Consequently,class consciousness was formed in proletariat.They must be winner in this struggle.Then,we will come world of communism that where we will find social equality and freedom.
             Marxism is based on opinions of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.They supported and interacted with own opinions each other.They took care working class than their private life and their life.They began writing The Communist Manifesto and based The Principles of Communism was written by Engels.Engels was a leader of Revolution of 1848. This revolution will have been the biggest inspiration of communist movements.Moreover,he harmonized the communist theory and family.In the other word,man tries to put pressure on woman as bourgeoisie had done to working class.Therefore he is accepted one of the founders of femisim,too.His companion Karl Marx founded theoretical communism.He said state is dictatorship of the working class instead of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.He has “Historical Stages Theory” .They are Primitive communism, slave society,  feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism. In this theory Marx considered socio-economic conflicts development in Western Europe.
            In Marxsist ideology,state can not be understood distinct from economic structure of society.Thus, classes arise.State live that classes must be in struggle. 

          NEO-MARXISM:They are loyal to some marxist principles.But they try reorder to classical ideals of Marx.Also they refuse predence of the economy and privileged status of working class. Many prominent neo-Marxists were sociologists and psychologists such as Herbert Marcuse. Social class in Neo-Marxism made according to Weberian Stratification.They are class,satatus and party.


                      CLASSICAL LIBERALISM 
           Liberalism is a political ideology which makes a point of liberty and equal rights. It limits the goverment and religion. Social Contract includes that citizens are equal.No one can dominate the others.As a result,everyone is free.People don’t need to put back in something to think or their behaviours.Most liberals support fundamental ideas as liberal democracy,free and fair elections,free trade,freedom of speech and religion.Liberalism accepts model of transparent goverment and social life in order.All liberals accept human rights like a individual’s right to life, liberty and property rights.Property rights pass from father to son.But it barriers to equality of opportunity.In this situation,liberalism allows to only one class to collect the capital.Difference between this class and the others increases. Therefore,liberalism is ideas flow makes prosper to bourgeous.  
           The roots of liberalism goes back to Age of Enlightenment in late seventeenth and eighteenth century Western Europe.Liberalism developped and argued by John Locke,Thomas Hobbes and Adam Smith.John Locke is widely known as the father of liberalism.He showed that mind is a guide in human life.He shook absolute managment with his idea.Because he saved people give their unquestioned obedience to king.Economic liberalism was formalized by Adam Smith in his work ‘The Wealth of Nations’.He established the ‘invisible hand’.He adopted "Laiseez faire laisez passer” doctrine.It’s mean,states can’t interfere to economic relations between individuals,classes and international.Hobbes published his work ‘Leviathan’.Leviathan is a monster which is a state that it dominate over everything.For this reason,he resembel with liberals.
           In classical liberalism,individuals have own personality and capable of thinking.They don’t owe anything to society or the other people.Liberals are anti-sympathetic to state and all goverment intervention.